I really have a great respect for Francis Chan, author of "Crazy Love" and "Forgotten God." He was, up until recently, the pastor of a church out in California and a lot of his convictions, his interpretations of Scripture fall right into line with mine, so I've been listening to some older sermons of his a couple times a week for the past month or so. Anyways, this one below is pretty good. The first 15 minutes is "announcements" of sorts to the church, so you can skip over that if you want. The question he poses that I find really thought-provoking is, "If you started with the Bible, would you do church the same way?"
Towards the end of the sermon, I like how Francis Chan lists off Scripture of what God has called us to do/be as a church. Rather than just write down what he said, I decided to do a word search of my own and look through the references to make sure I wasn't stretching the passage to fit the topic. So below is a list of instructions for believer's in how we should treat/respond to/live with 'one another.' I think its really good to go down through and say them outloud and mentally consider if we are obedient to God in these.
"Be at peace with one another"
"Wash one anothers feet"
"Love one another"
"Be devoted to one another"
"Give preference to one another in honor"
"Live in harmony with one anohter"
"Be of the same mind with one another"
"Accept one another"
"Admonish one another with love"
"Greet one another with a holy kiss"
"Stop depriving one another"
"Wait for one another"
"Care for one another"
"Serve one another"
"Not challenging or envying one another"
"Restore one another in a spirit of gentleness"
"Bear one another's burdens"
"Show tolerance of one another"
"Be kind to one another"
"Forgive one another"
"Speak to one another with hymns and Spiritual songs"
"Submit to one another"
"Regard one another as more important than yourselves"
"Be truthful to one another"
"Comfort one another"
"Encourage one another"
"Seek after that which is good for one another"
"Not hating one another"
"Spur one another on toward love and good deeds"
"Not speaking against one another"
"Confess your sins to one another"
"Pray for one another"
"Be hospitable to one another"
"Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another"
"Have fellowship with one another"
Friday, August 20, 2010
8.7.10 - Personal Reflection
It is an interesting thing to me when you live long enought to see connections in how God has allowed your life to be influenced. For instance, my desire to work with teenagers was birthed well before I ever was one myself. My tumultuous years as a teen has equipped me for this season of my life to work with them, empathize to some degree, and hopefully encourage and challenge them.
Likewise, my desire for God's Word was birthed well before I began my relationship with Him. As a nine year old I remember dusting off my father's old King James leatherbound Bible, starting "In the beginning" and usually not making it past "On the fifth day..." before giving up-but the desire was there. Our family didn't go to church or talk about God, but I knew it was an important book. Then as a 19 year old newlywed, I went back to Genesis 1:1 and prayed that God would excite me for His Word-and since then, those pages became like a gripping suspenseful page-turning novel in that I can't seem to get enough! I can't wait to see what the Lord is going to show me next! God is so faithful!!
I used to struggle quite a bit, and sometimes still do, over how the Lord convicts people differently in gray matters like alchohol, birth control, politics, etc. It would drive me crazy that other people weren't convicted like I am. As I write that the image pops up in my head of the lecture I am constantly giving my daughters when they want to tattle or boss one another, I say, "YOU worry about what YOU are doing!" Because the truth is we are each held accountable for our own actions. It is not for us to decide how one ought to be convicted. Now, there are definite wrongs and rights clearly discussed in God's Word, but for those gray areas-I have too much plank left in my own eye to get worked up about the sawdust in my neighbor's. Leave the convicting to the Holy Spirit.
That said, I am beginning to see definite connections throughout my life that lead me to believe God is calling me to live radically for Him. My convictions are deep. My interpretations of Scripture are such that I draw closer to Paul's proclamation "I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things." (Philippians 3:8). That is to say, "what else matters?" I remember being 20 years old, newlywed, with a baby and having every financial "complication" stacked against me. I remember feeling an odd sense of joy in my circumstances that with an empty wallet came a humility that would/could bond my little family and somewhat force us to rely on the Lord. Ha. And I remember getting that "she is crazy" look from others for this view. As years have passed I've watched "good fortune" fall on a lot of people around me. They accumulate toys and wealth, success, etc. and the temptation is to envy them. Now, I want to pause a moment and say that I KNOW that I am EXTREMELY blessed, living on means that would be categorized under "ridiculously filthy rich" to most of the world. But in the context of middle-class America and the narrow-minded temptations we are challenged by to compare ourselves to other middle-classed Americans (which is just nonsense and foolishness), this is what we face. And in that, we would "seem" to be at a disadvantage. As years pass and the more I study Scripture, the more thankful I become that so much wasn't handed to me freely without having to work for it. Knowing my personality and prone to pridefulness, I tend to believe I would not respond well to it. What humility I have is because things have not gone my way. After all, "God does not tempt you beyond what you can bare..." I doubt I am strong enought to win the lottery and do right by it. haha. But seriously, the more I seek God, the less appeal the trappings of this world have on me and I'm so thankful for it!!! Pursuing such things always left me empty! Pursuing God-now there's a promise that delivers!!
So instead of constantly fighting my convictions I am learning to embrace them. I believe God will continue to refine me in this way, and I believe, by doing so, make me a little more Christ-like. :)
Likewise, my desire for God's Word was birthed well before I began my relationship with Him. As a nine year old I remember dusting off my father's old King James leatherbound Bible, starting "In the beginning" and usually not making it past "On the fifth day..." before giving up-but the desire was there. Our family didn't go to church or talk about God, but I knew it was an important book. Then as a 19 year old newlywed, I went back to Genesis 1:1 and prayed that God would excite me for His Word-and since then, those pages became like a gripping suspenseful page-turning novel in that I can't seem to get enough! I can't wait to see what the Lord is going to show me next! God is so faithful!!
I used to struggle quite a bit, and sometimes still do, over how the Lord convicts people differently in gray matters like alchohol, birth control, politics, etc. It would drive me crazy that other people weren't convicted like I am. As I write that the image pops up in my head of the lecture I am constantly giving my daughters when they want to tattle or boss one another, I say, "YOU worry about what YOU are doing!" Because the truth is we are each held accountable for our own actions. It is not for us to decide how one ought to be convicted. Now, there are definite wrongs and rights clearly discussed in God's Word, but for those gray areas-I have too much plank left in my own eye to get worked up about the sawdust in my neighbor's. Leave the convicting to the Holy Spirit.
That said, I am beginning to see definite connections throughout my life that lead me to believe God is calling me to live radically for Him. My convictions are deep. My interpretations of Scripture are such that I draw closer to Paul's proclamation "I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things." (Philippians 3:8). That is to say, "what else matters?" I remember being 20 years old, newlywed, with a baby and having every financial "complication" stacked against me. I remember feeling an odd sense of joy in my circumstances that with an empty wallet came a humility that would/could bond my little family and somewhat force us to rely on the Lord. Ha. And I remember getting that "she is crazy" look from others for this view. As years have passed I've watched "good fortune" fall on a lot of people around me. They accumulate toys and wealth, success, etc. and the temptation is to envy them. Now, I want to pause a moment and say that I KNOW that I am EXTREMELY blessed, living on means that would be categorized under "ridiculously filthy rich" to most of the world. But in the context of middle-class America and the narrow-minded temptations we are challenged by to compare ourselves to other middle-classed Americans (which is just nonsense and foolishness), this is what we face. And in that, we would "seem" to be at a disadvantage. As years pass and the more I study Scripture, the more thankful I become that so much wasn't handed to me freely without having to work for it. Knowing my personality and prone to pridefulness, I tend to believe I would not respond well to it. What humility I have is because things have not gone my way. After all, "God does not tempt you beyond what you can bare..." I doubt I am strong enought to win the lottery and do right by it. haha. But seriously, the more I seek God, the less appeal the trappings of this world have on me and I'm so thankful for it!!! Pursuing such things always left me empty! Pursuing God-now there's a promise that delivers!!
So instead of constantly fighting my convictions I am learning to embrace them. I believe God will continue to refine me in this way, and I believe, by doing so, make me a little more Christ-like. :)
8.4.10 Acts 9:1-19
Saul's life and conversion to Christianity was so substantial! Saul was known for being zealous and a 'Pharisee of pharisees.' I tend to beleive that he and many others truly believed what they were condemning. They thought they were defending the truth from false teachers, but were in fact cruxifying God Himself and persecuting His followers. I've got to believe nobody in their right mind would believe Jesus was/is who He says He was/is would still put Him to death. I do imagine, however, some of the religious leaders had doubts. Perhaps their pride kept them from voicing their wonderings. Perhaps they would quickly snuff out their convictions as soon as they rose. I have been guilty of that all too often. Then, in pride, we turn our defenses all the way up instead of considering that we may be wrong-we get angry. At others.
Maybe that was Saul. Or maybe Saul never doubted his beliefs. Whatever the case, he was going to great lengths to persecute those who followed "the Way." And then "the Way" got in his way! Jesus, Himself, meets Saul on the side of the road, confronts him, blinds him, and sets him straight about who he's really hurting. Knowing, somewhat, of how the rest of Saul's life goes, I find it intriguing! Sometimes God uses other people in our life to reveal His Truth. Sometimes He uses circumstances to get our attention. This time Jesus comes down from heaven! And oh! Doesn't God love irony!! He turns the guy who was determiend to stop the spread of Christianity, and taps him to extend His grace to the Gentiles!!! He takes the persecutor and so changes his heart that 'Saul' would go on to willing become the 'persecutED'! Never say never with the Almighty-I can vouch for that!
Maybe that was Saul. Or maybe Saul never doubted his beliefs. Whatever the case, he was going to great lengths to persecute those who followed "the Way." And then "the Way" got in his way! Jesus, Himself, meets Saul on the side of the road, confronts him, blinds him, and sets him straight about who he's really hurting. Knowing, somewhat, of how the rest of Saul's life goes, I find it intriguing! Sometimes God uses other people in our life to reveal His Truth. Sometimes He uses circumstances to get our attention. This time Jesus comes down from heaven! And oh! Doesn't God love irony!! He turns the guy who was determiend to stop the spread of Christianity, and taps him to extend His grace to the Gentiles!!! He takes the persecutor and so changes his heart that 'Saul' would go on to willing become the 'persecutED'! Never say never with the Almighty-I can vouch for that!
7.29.10 Acts 6:1-15
Stephen was such a man of God! The disciples chose him to oversee some internal problems rising in the early church-along with six other people. But none of the other guys had the favorable description as Stephen did: "a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit."(v.5) Then in verse 8: "Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power..." and as he performed miracles and got some opposition, the Bible says, "they could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke." Wow! And here's the icing on the cake: "All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel." (v.15)!! That the light of Christ would shine through someone so intently!!! How proud of him God must have been! This is my prayer-that I would walk so closely with my Savior that others would see it clearly in me before I've even said a word!
"While we may think of a balanced Christian life as an insipid life of moderation in everything we do, a biblically balanced life is a radical life, where we follow a revolutionary Lord in everything we do." -The ACTS NIV Application Commentary
"While we may think of a balanced Christian life as an insipid life of moderation in everything we do, a biblically balanced life is a radical life, where we follow a revolutionary Lord in everything we do." -The ACTS NIV Application Commentary
7.24.10 Acts 4:23-31
This passage is called "The Believer's Prayer" and I love it!!!!
So here are Peter and John, just returned from being jailed for telling others about Jesus. They return home on fire!!!!! How empowering it can be when we take a stand for Jesus Christ! I imagine they were excited and animated as they "reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them." (v.23) I also imagine that the crowd eagerly took it all in! And what was their reaction? To get mad? To sit around and gripe, gossip, and protest? Did they give in to fear and beeline out of the Sanhedrin? Nope! They prayed! Together! Automatically!! It was their 1st response! And my favorite part was what they prayed :) It wasn't for safety-they didn't say "Lord, keep us from harm's way!" No, instead they claimed God's sovereignty and prayed for boldness. They didn't hesitate, they prayed for more work to do in Christ's name :)
I just love their unity, "they raised their voices together in prayer to God." (v.24) And the Lord was swift to answer their prayers- v.31 says, "After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God, boldly." Uh oh! :) Not what the priests and elders were hoping for! I can just imagine them dismissing Peter and John and reassuring themselves, "Maybe this whole situation will just disappear quietly." Haha. No. God is so good!
So here are Peter and John, just returned from being jailed for telling others about Jesus. They return home on fire!!!!! How empowering it can be when we take a stand for Jesus Christ! I imagine they were excited and animated as they "reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them." (v.23) I also imagine that the crowd eagerly took it all in! And what was their reaction? To get mad? To sit around and gripe, gossip, and protest? Did they give in to fear and beeline out of the Sanhedrin? Nope! They prayed! Together! Automatically!! It was their 1st response! And my favorite part was what they prayed :) It wasn't for safety-they didn't say "Lord, keep us from harm's way!" No, instead they claimed God's sovereignty and prayed for boldness. They didn't hesitate, they prayed for more work to do in Christ's name :)
I just love their unity, "they raised their voices together in prayer to God." (v.24) And the Lord was swift to answer their prayers- v.31 says, "After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God, boldly." Uh oh! :) Not what the priests and elders were hoping for! I can just imagine them dismissing Peter and John and reassuring themselves, "Maybe this whole situation will just disappear quietly." Haha. No. God is so good!
7.22.10 Acts 4:1-22
I can relate so much to the apostle Peter! Here he was, one of the inner three, had been one of Jesus' closest companions for three years, and he still managed to mess up big time (denying Jesus)! Still, the Lord saw something in Peter He liked. God still chose Peter to be the rock upon which He built the first church. Peter was a leader among the disciples. Yeah, he messed up, but then he'd pick himself up and press on! I also wonder if Jesus chose Peter because of his willingness to be taught. In my experience with scripture God does not tend to seek out a "pulled together" or strong spirit, but seeks a willing one. Someone who will humbly allow God to change him into the likeness of Christ. That is what I strive to be.
V.13 "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized they were unschooled ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus."
-That I would spend so much time with Jesus that it would confuse onlookers that a self-proclaimed "epitemy of unnoticeable averageness" would boldly and courageously live and speak the Truth of Christ!!!
V.13 "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized they were unschooled ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus."
-That I would spend so much time with Jesus that it would confuse onlookers that a self-proclaimed "epitemy of unnoticeable averageness" would boldly and courageously live and speak the Truth of Christ!!!
7.21.10 A Sweet Affirmation from the Lord
The past few entries have been small excerpts from my journal, and not complete thoughts, and todays will be from my journal too. I want to share a sweet answer to prayer that God recently blessed me with. The funny thing is, I'm posting this a month later, when I am once again wrestling some of these same thoughts, so to read God's response to me again, ministers to me again as it did last month.
So. The first part is my prayer to God:
"Lord, I knkow you have given me a heart fro ministry. In fact, I think back to high school years when I would day dream about reaching my peers for Christ and how I would gladly spend my days doing volunteer work if I could survive off of it. Making a difference has always been important to me. I also know, Lord, that my own stubborn foolishness has set me back in this, but I still believe this is what I am meant to do. This past year has been evidence of that. Lord, it hardly makes sense though. Ministry is full of imperfect people, I know that, but I don't know of any who have made as monumental mistakes as I have.........Still, I know you delight in busting stereotypes, so my hope is still fully intact. But how, Lord? I have no formal education, I don't have the support of my family.....Lord, how???"
And God's response to me was in my reading of Acts. Verse 3:16 says, "By faith in the name of Jesus, this man who you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through Him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see."
-Wow! What an immediate response to my prayer-and a loving one from my Father! Now it is up to me to claim that promise! Just as Peter was restored, I am as well! God saw fit to use him, and so I must believe that he is still able and willing to use me too! Praise God! Peter goes on to say, "I know that you acted in ignorance...repent then and turn to God." I love v. 24 too, "Indeed, all of the prophets from Samuel on, as many as have spoken, have foretold these days." - It's a wonderful reminder that God is not just shooting from the hip, He has had this planned since before time, and over thousands of eyars He has been preparing His people for this! Then Jesus arrives, but that is not the end of it. He is still putting things into practice for the big finale, "He must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything." (v.21) - and even then, once it is restored we have a limitless eternity with our heavenly Father!
So. The first part is my prayer to God:
"Lord, I knkow you have given me a heart fro ministry. In fact, I think back to high school years when I would day dream about reaching my peers for Christ and how I would gladly spend my days doing volunteer work if I could survive off of it. Making a difference has always been important to me. I also know, Lord, that my own stubborn foolishness has set me back in this, but I still believe this is what I am meant to do. This past year has been evidence of that. Lord, it hardly makes sense though. Ministry is full of imperfect people, I know that, but I don't know of any who have made as monumental mistakes as I have.........Still, I know you delight in busting stereotypes, so my hope is still fully intact. But how, Lord? I have no formal education, I don't have the support of my family.....Lord, how???"
And God's response to me was in my reading of Acts. Verse 3:16 says, "By faith in the name of Jesus, this man who you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through Him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see."
-Wow! What an immediate response to my prayer-and a loving one from my Father! Now it is up to me to claim that promise! Just as Peter was restored, I am as well! God saw fit to use him, and so I must believe that he is still able and willing to use me too! Praise God! Peter goes on to say, "I know that you acted in ignorance...repent then and turn to God." I love v. 24 too, "Indeed, all of the prophets from Samuel on, as many as have spoken, have foretold these days." - It's a wonderful reminder that God is not just shooting from the hip, He has had this planned since before time, and over thousands of eyars He has been preparing His people for this! Then Jesus arrives, but that is not the end of it. He is still putting things into practice for the big finale, "He must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything." (v.21) - and even then, once it is restored we have a limitless eternity with our heavenly Father!
Monday, August 2, 2010
7.20.10 Acts 2:42-47
I LOVE the Acts 2 church!! Here's the passage:
"They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."
How fantastic it would have been to be an apostle of Jesus Christ while He lived, then to be among the first to receive the Holy Spirit! What fire they must have had - speaking in tongues and healing the lame - what faith! It remind me of the book about Brother Yun in China and the many miracles he witnessed - which were coupled by such horrible persecution.
I love the Acts 2 church because I believe it is the ideal of what church ought to be. They shared everything - including joys and burdens; they devoted themselves to learning about God; they fellowshipped-building one another up-EVERYDAY!! Its a portrait of how God intended family to be!
"They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."
How fantastic it would have been to be an apostle of Jesus Christ while He lived, then to be among the first to receive the Holy Spirit! What fire they must have had - speaking in tongues and healing the lame - what faith! It remind me of the book about Brother Yun in China and the many miracles he witnessed - which were coupled by such horrible persecution.
I love the Acts 2 church because I believe it is the ideal of what church ought to be. They shared everything - including joys and burdens; they devoted themselves to learning about God; they fellowshipped-building one another up-EVERYDAY!! Its a portrait of how God intended family to be!
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